Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Hi friends
Are we in the right directions related to engineering education in the state ? i dont think so
With no entrance examination to admit students in professional colleges the mathematical aptitude of the students is coming down terribly .

It is also sad to see some of the top IT companies have decided to not to conduct the aptitude test for higher marks students during the recruitment is also not in the right directions .

Even our engineering education is becoming school education with college giving importance to the marks rather than the knowledge /

Many time we have seen students are preparing themselves only for the examination point of view rather than knowledge point of view while doing there engineering degree

I think top companies should make the students realize that it is not only important to have marks but also to have good mathematical and verbal , logical reasoning ability to perform well in the career

in today's Times of India paper has reveled the following , which is very shocking

More than 420 students, pursuing second year Bachelors of Engineering (BE) degree programmes in a college (name withheld) in TN, who were recently given a basic mathematics test comprising 20 simple questions on algebra and trigonometry were unable to get even 50% of the answers right.
What provides telling evidence of the poor quality of math education at the school level is that seven of these students had actually scored over 180 marks in mathematics in the class XII state board examinations but they secured zero in the basic test given by the college. They were unable to answer simple questions like “What is the Factorial of 5” and “What is e to the power
of 0 or e to the power of infinity”.
“This shows the status of our engineering college students. Of the 503 students who took the test, only 6 were able to correctly answer 15 or more questions. While 70 students got a score of 11 to 15; as many as 241 of them were not able to answer more than 10 questions and 154 of them got the correct answers for just five questions or below. The remaining 32 secured zero,” Tamil Nadu commissioner for technical Ku
mar Jayant revealed.
The test was given by the college to assess the mathematical skills of its students and the directorate of technical education is now urging other colleges to conduct similar assessment tests to gauge the knowledge of the students.
The college concerned had 70 students who had secured 180 marks and above in mathematics in

the state board examinations. Of them, only two answered 15 or more questions correctly.
“Any class XI student must be able to solve most of the problems asked. They were simple and direct questions. The results only indicate that at the school level the students had not understood the fundamentals and probably had mugged up,”

My dear students , parents and companies please don't compromise and dilute the learning and testing process

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